Marc & I on our way to the gun show, wearing Time Bandit shirts that I picked up in Homer, Alaska.
Rather than do a concrete walkway from the bottom of the new steps to where the motor home is parked, I decided to fill in much of the area with one foot square pavers. The angles won't match up when I reach the concrete footing, but I'll figure out something to connect the new walkway with the foundation for the shade cover. I ran out of pavers yesterday, but when I get most of the area filled in, I'll probably connect to the foundation with more concrete, similar to what I've done at the bottom of the steps. Back to Lowes today for about 35-40 more concrete squares.

Christmas is rapidly approaching, and I think we've done most of our shopping. We'll be spending the holidays here, with Marc, Chandra, and Laila. Right after New Years, we'll be back in the motor home for a trip to Indio, CA, where we'll be attending a Family Motor Coach Ass'n (FMCA) rally with our fellow Golden Spike Chapter members. From there, it will be a week in Yuma, then up to Quartzsite for the annual pilgrimage of folks to the winter desert mecca for RV'ers. We'll be busy for the next month or so, and somewhere in that near future, I might even get a roof up for the motor home to park under!
I think if you mix the pavers and design you can easily get a proper and wonderful pavers infront. Firstly, try to have a demo layout of the driveway and then install. Recently I have installed my driveway paver from Bonitastone.