Several times a year, the Pima County Fairgrounds is the venue for a large gun show. This weekend is one of those occasions, and Marc and I checked it out yesterday. I learned last year, not to try and be the early bird at one of these gun shows, as the line to get in is often huge. This time, we waited until a little before noon, and there was no waiting to get in.
Since the liberals gained control of the White House, the demand for firearms, and particularly ammunition, has grown exponentially. No matter what your political persuasion, there can be no argument that the election of Obama has been good for the gun industry in terms of demand. Certain types of firearms & ammo are harder to find, and the cardinal rule of supply and demand has driven the price of all things related to guns, much higher.
In addition to looking at all of the firearms, from vintage collectible firearms, to 50 caliber sniper rifles, our main purpose was to purchase some ammunition. If the vendors aren't sold out, you can usually find a pretty good variety, and even though the cost has gone up in the last few years, prices at gun shows are about as low as you'll find anywhere.
Firearms have been a part of my life for a very long time. From the time I carried an M14 (M1A) rifle during Army basic training at the beginning of the Viet Nam war, up until I retired from a law enforcement career, guns have always been in my house. I don't consider myself an obsessive "gun nut", but I do strongly believe in the 2nd amendment to the constitution, and what the country's founders wrote about the need to protect the citizen's from tyranny, both foreign and domestic.
The argument for stricter gun control, and the ultimate goal for some - gun confiscation, is in my opinion misguided. The aftermath of many of these mass shootings has fueled the fire for banning guns, and it's not hard to see the serious passion on that side of the argument. However, no matter how far the gun control laws go, there will always be a way for the criminal, or the mental case wacko to get his/her hands on a firearm. I know this is a political hot potato, with serious arguments on both sides. But, to further restrict, or do away entirely with the constitutionally guaranty provided by the 2nd amendment, would be one more erosion of our freedom, and a giant step toward a nation controlled by the federal government, instead of the power remaining with the people, by the people, and for the people!
Capital City Museum
7 hours ago
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