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Tuesday, December 10, 2013


While we were at the Pima County Fairgrounds on Sunday, I spoke with one of the La Mesa RV employees, not about buying a motor home, but about how they moved so many RV's to the fairgrounds.  He said they had about 50 drivers, who worked part time, and who were on call for big moves, like the RV show they were wrapping up on that Sunday.  He also said that the company needed more drivers.  Hmmmmm, might be worth looking into.....

Not that I was exactly looking for another job.  In fact, I had pretty much made up my mind, that the days of punching time clocks were a thing of the past.  However, getting paid to drive motor homes from point A to B, had enough appeal for me to go into town yesterday, and meet with Ron, the La Mesa transportation supervisor.   Nothing that he said discouraged me from picking up an application for employment, and returning it later, along with my resume. 

During both conversations with Ron, I learned that most all of the drivers are retired, only looking to work part time.  Even though there is a monthly schedule, and some unexpected, on call driving jobs, they have enough drivers so that if someone is unavailable for a period of time, they just want to be notified.  In other words, if I want to take the summer off, no problem, just let them know.  That flexibility is important, because we're still planning on doing a lot more travel in our motor home.

My application has to be sent to the corporate office in San Diego, and if approved, I will be sent an offer of employment.  Based on my resume, and our conversation, Ron was going to recommend that I be hired, but the paperwork still had to make it's way to San Diego.  If I'm accepted, the next step is a drug test, then I'll get put on the schedule.  Because we'll be gone most of January, I anticipate starting sometime in early February.  The starting pay isn't exactly earth shattering at $10 an hour, but for me, it's not about compensation.  Working a couple of days a week, or perhaps a month,  gives me something else to do, and since I like to drive, it will be something that I'll enjoy.  Once again, keeping the Commercial Drivers License (CDL), and an up to date medical card has come in handy. 

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