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Thursday, January 26, 2012


Diana is one of my hero's, still riding her own Harley.

It was around 10am when we got the prearranged call from Bob & Diana, to let us know they were at the Shell station in Quartzsite, and how could they ever find us in this ocean of RV's? I gave Diana directions to drive south on Hwy 95 about 5 miles , then turn right on La Paz Valley Rd, where I would meet & guide them back to where we're parked. When Diana turned the corner a few minutes later, she drove right past my truck into a sea of RV's. Bob stopped on his bike, and I asked where in the heck was she going? He said that he had no idea, as she disappeared down the dirt road, heading into the area where hundreds of RV's were parked. Bob quickly chased her down, with them both returning to where I was parked. Diana said she was looking for the black jeep, not the white truck. Good thing I wasn't a giant rattlesnake Diana!

When we got back to our campsite, we piled in the truck, and headed into town. We walked through the big tent, and over to Tyson Wells, where we had a Walla, Walla burger for lunch. I think the grilled onions were thicker than the meat, and they sure smelled good, simmering on the outdoor grill.

When we got back to the motor home, it was mid afternoon, and Jim & Megan had arrived. Their 16 year old Kitty - "Millie" was recovering from major surgery, and thankfully, seemed to be doing well. It was good to reunite with our old Skagway buddies, and catch up with all of the latest. They had just purchased a new Honda Fit, which replaced their Ford Explorer of many years. After the hit to the bank account, the good news is that the Honda weighs about half of what the Explorer weighed, and the Honda doesn't have to stop at every gas station.

We were surprised with an unexpected visit from some other Alaska buddies, Dave & Louise, who drove their jeep from where their motor home is parked in the Phoenix area.

A little later, part of our old race family, Dave & Betty pulled up in their motor home. Along with Len & Ellie, they had just completed working the Barrett-Jackson Auto Auction, and were glad to not have any more of those long work days for awhile. We only worked that event once, so we can relate to the stories of the long work hours, and lack of a good nights sleep.

This is our last day here in Quartzsite, as we have an appointment in Lake Havasu tomorrow. I'm not quite ready to leave, but we have been here a week, and we've seen most of the stuff that's here. For some reason, the Internet connection was a little faster this morning, as the pictures loaded much faster. Nope, I have no idea why that's the case.

A night shot of our flag, with the new solar light, and the moon in the background.

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