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Friday, January 13, 2012


The highlight of yesterdays activities was the 4pm parade, here at the FMCA Western RV Rally. The Rose Parade this was not! In fact, in all of 15 minutes, it was over. The theme of this years rally is a Pirates Adventure, and some of the chapters got rather creative in turning golf carts and other conveyances into pirate ships. There were pirates everywhere, and we got pretty good at catching all of the candy being thrown. Do you know what letter is missing from the pirate alphabet? RRRRR!

The vendors were open for business for the first time since we arrived, and of course we had to see what all was for sale. Believe it or not, I only spent $4.95 on a water shut off valve, but there were a couple of other things that caught my eye. I still have a few days to pull the trigger, or perhaps wait till we get down to Quartzsite. Most all of the vendors who are here, will be at the big RV show in Quartzsite next week.

Earlier in the day, Bill Hall and I drove over to the local Costco, and ordered pizzas for the nights pizza party. Shortly after the parade was over, we went and picked up 12 pizzas, which was more than enough for our group of about 40.

One of the unexpected surprises at this rally was running into our friends Jerry and Sue Turnshek, pictured below. Jerry & Sue live in our old hometown area of Sonora/Jamestown, CA, and we have kept in touch since moving to AZ 10 years ago. Jerry was part of the original team when we opened Jamestown Harley-Davidson over 16 years ago, and the success of the business was a direct result of having great people like Jerry. Sue was kind of under the weather, so we hope she's feeling better today.

Jerry, Sue, and Chloe.

Patty, Anita Price, and Anne Slavicek all watching the parade.

After we were all stuffed with pizza, and had visited well into the hours of darkness, we headed back to the motor home for a little TV, then called it a day.

On the agenda today - 1. Chapter Picture at 11:15. 2. Our chapter passes out the all important ice cream bars at the ice cream social at 12:15. 3. More decisions in the vendor area this afternoon. 4. Dinner somewhere, and the evening entertainment in the big hall.

1 comment:

  1. The FMCA rally looked like it was a lot of fun. I'll have to try and make it out there next year. If you're ever looking for more shows and rallies check out They also list dealerships and campgrounds across America. Its a handy tool both for beginning and full time RVers. I think you'll like it.
