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Sunday, January 1, 2012


It's been awhile since I rang in the new year with party hats, libations, and loud music. Last night was no exception. I did make it past my normal bedtime of 9pm, but not by much.

We had a little party here at the house last night, but it didn't include any of the above, just a nice dinner, and good company with Ron & Judy Ellstrom, and Bob & Diana Rush. Patty fixed a chicken enchilada casserole with Spanish rice. Judy brought a delicious spinach dip in a bread bowl, and Diana fixed a salad, topping the meal off with my favorite, a home made cherry pie. A nice, simple meal with good friends, and good conversation to cap off the very end of 2011.

Today is the start of a brand new year, and my hope is that our family and circle of friends all have a great 2012. Happy New Year everybody!

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