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Monday, January 30, 2012


Patty, Del, & Diana in front of the metal church at the Desert Bar

If you could close your eyes, and magically transport yourself to the Desert Bar, the scene would be similar to many rural watering holes around the country. However, you can't simply wave a magic wand, and instantly appear at the Desert Bar. You have to know where to turn off Hwy 95 onto a dirt road that winds its way out into the desert. Then, you have to slowly bounce along on a bumpy, dusty road for over 5 miles before you arrive at this very unique oasis in the middle of nowhere. The Desert Bar is a place like no other!

We stopped at Bob & Diana's house, where their friends, Randy & Del were visiting. This would be their first visit to the Desert Bar. We left Lake Havasu a little before noon for the hour drive to our destination near Parker, AZ.

Upon arrival, the parking area was already getting full, and the crowd was much larger than the last time Patty and I were there. In the blog archive, on November 7th, I wrote about some of the history of the place. All of the tables were taken near the bandstand, so we went down to the lower level where we found a table.

At 1 pm, the 3 piece band started playing some classic rock tunes, and they were pretty good. From where we were, we couldn't see them, but the music had us tapping our toes, as we continued our conversation, along with some food and drinks. Patty and I shared a root beer float, a first for us in a very long time.

Diana & Patty soaking up the 70+ degree sunshine.

It was mid afternoon when we joined in the parade of vehicles leaving the Desert Bar on the return trip back to the pavement. On the way home, we stopped at the London Bridge, where Randy got some pictures of the worlds largest antique. Before leaving, we agreed to meet at Casa Serrano for dinner, a local Mexican Restaurant. We capped the day with a short visit to our house, and we vowed to once again visit the Desert Bar before the hot weather returns.

Note: There's a glitch somewhere, as this is the 3rd time I've written the narrative. When I clicked publish the first 2 times, the text disappeared, so hopefully, that won't happen on this third try.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Dan!

    Key from Reno. I read both posts on Desert Bar and it looks like an excellent place to unwind for a day. That's it's in the middle of nowhere is very kind of place. Just 60 more days until I take off!

