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Monday, January 23, 2012


This was the sunrise that we watched unfold yesterday morning.

Our first morning parked in the desert at Quartzsite was a bit on the lazy side, as we took our time getting going. Patty read while I posted on the blog, and did some other computer stuff. Then, I fixed one of my mega breakfasts which included bacon, fried potatoes, and fried eggs in bacon grease. Yea, I know, not exactly the healthiest of breakfasts, but it sure was filing, and mighty darn good!

We left the motor home around 10am, and our first stop was Root Farms for a 4lb bag of raw almonds. The Modesto based farm has the best almonds, and they're here in Quartzsite every year. While we were parked in the Rice Ranch area, we made a loop, and checked out all of the vendors alongside the frontage road. That's where we saw this dude with the cutest Australian Shepherd Puppy. He picked up his baby from a cart, and I took this picture. If you have to bring your dog to an area with large crowds, this was the way to do it. We saw lots of folks dragging their leashed dogs through the crowds, and to echo a fellow bloggers sentiments, Dennis Hill wrote that these folks just don't have the best interests of their dogs in mind. I agree completely.

Our next stop was the "Big Tent" which covers a huge area. By then, it was mid day, and even though the crowds were still large, it wasn't as bad as I've seen in years past. Many of the vendors were the same as previous years, but there were many new ones as well. While browsing through the tent, we ran into our buddies, Bill & "D" Hall, who we just spent a week with in Indio, CA. at the FMCA Western Regional RV Rally. They are parked at the Ameri-Can RV park in town, and after a short visit, we agreed to catch up with them later at their motor home.

One of the items on my "must purchase" list was no where to be found. I've been wanting to procure a Campfire in a Can, the one that burns regular fuels, not the propane version. I discovered from one of the vendors, that the traditional model is no longer made. Perhaps I'll be able to find one on EBAY, or maybe at a garage sale. I did find a few things that I simply couldn't live without, (happens every year), like a new flag, and a couple of other things.

Geezers sure do love their ice cream. I think I took this same shot last year.

When we finished at the big tent, we drove over to Bill & "D"s, and continued with our visit. They have the two cutest Westie Terriers, Bitsy & Sofi, who I would steal in a heartbeat if I thought I could get away with it. Bill offered me one of his solar flag lights for next to nothing, and if you can believe this, I actual negotiated the price upward. Did I just say that? Even at the higher price, Bill practically gave me the light, which I intend to put on my flagpole at home. Thanks Bill!

By the time we got back to the motor home, it was time to watch the end of the Patriots - Ravens game, then the second game between the 49ers and the Giants. Great second game, except for the outcome. In between, I BBQ'd some steaks, and we ended a great day.

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