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Saturday, January 21, 2012


We arrived at Bob & Diana's house yesterday morning at 8:30am, then drove down toward the lake and the 2ND annual Lake Havasu Island Balloon Festival. When we got to the downtown area, we started seeing hot air balloons being inflated in several parking lots. Our timing was almost perfect as we moved from one parking lot to the next, watching the balloons lift off into a partly cloudy sky, with almost no noticeable wind.

This was the first balloon we watched being inflated, then ascend into the wild blue yonder.

These 3 balloons were all touching each other on the ground, then one by one, they lifted off.

Members of the public can buy tickets that allow them to go for a ride, and the cost is $185 per person. We saw lots of people climbing into the wicker baskets before the balloons left Terra Firma. I've never flown in a hot air balloon, but according to most of the folks we talked to, they say that if you can imagine floating on a cloud, that's what it's like to fly in a lighter than air contraption.

The variety of colors on these balloons is a photographers dream world.

Based on this balloon's design, my guess is that the owner lives somewhere in the desert.

When we parked at the old airport runway on the island, as we looked back over the city, there were balloons everywhere. It was quite a sight, and not one that you see everyday. After a short walk, we paid the $7 admission fee, and began to check out all of the attractions within the festival grounds at the Nautical Resort & golf course.

In addition to the normal, multi colored balloons, there were several themed balloons. Here's one that depicts Humpty Dumpty.

Speaking of themes, here's Diana showing us a Volkswagen Bug Limousine.

We were a little early for lunch, but the smell of what I call "Fair Food" was almost enough to make you hungry. We later had BBQ'd Tri Tip sandwiches that were pretty darn good. In addition to the food vendors, there were dozens of other vendors, and it took us awhile to check them all out. The Aquarius Casino in Laughlin had a booth, and they were giving away prizes based on a wheel that you spun. Diana won a free nights stay in one of their Hotel Rooms, and I won two free tickets to a Johnny Tillotson Concert. Does anyone remember Johnny Tilloltson? It turns out that Patty and I will be in Tucson on the date of the Tillotson performance, so I gave the free tickets to Bob & Diana. Not bad for a couple of fortune wheel spins.

These guys had quite a setup for mobile, food vending.

I wonder if this Panda balloon has the dreaded "Made in China" disclosure?

This balloon was coming in for a landing, and except for brushing against a palm tree, it was pretty smooth. Several times during the day, we watched skydivers landing in the festival area, and many of the jumpers were in tandem. Diana & Patty are talking about doing a jump between their birthdays in a few months. I'm sure it's quite a thrill, but I just can't get past the question - Why would anyone jump out of a perfectly good airplane?

As the day progressed, the crowd kept getting bigger and bigger. Since this entire event is put on by the local Lions and Rotary Clubs, all of the profits go back into the community in the way of local projects and charities. Everything seemed to be well organized, with lots to see and do.

One of the attractions was the opportunity to walk inside a partially inflated balloon.

Here's Patty, Diana & Bob inside a balloon.

The Mohave County Sheriff's Department put on a demo with one of their K-9's.

This dog is attacking the victim, and is just about to bite.

We watched several dogs chasing frizbees, and doing all kinds of tricks.

In addition to all that I've described, there was a carnival, tethered balloon rides, remote controlled cars & airplanes, a classic car display, and vendors that included boats, side by sides, motorcycles, RV's, and new cars & trucks on display.

We spent 4-5 hours checking everything out, and I went away with the thought that this is a fantastic event for our city, and one that we will not miss in future years. Just before dark, Patty had to make a quick trip to the grocery store, and as she turned onto S. Palo Verde, there was a hot air balloon that has just landed in the middle of the road. She was able to drive around it, and I suspect that with all of the balloons in town this weekend, that wasn't the only one that came down on a street.

This morning, we're back in the motor home, with a short drive down to Quartzsite, where we'll join thousands of other RV'ers for the annual gathering in the desert.

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