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Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Like many parts of the country, the weather in the desert can change pretty quickly. Yesterday morning started out with sunshine, and ended with small amounts of rain. The weather system that moved through the area is supposed to be gone today, with a forecast of warmer temps, and sunshine for the rest of the week. This morning, I'm watching the sunrise with not a cloud in sight.

Our physical location is about 5 miles south of town, and my Sprint data card is working, but only marginally. We've parked at this same spot for several years, and this is the one downside to being several miles out in the desert. Yesterday, I was able to load a few pictures, even though it took quite awhile. This morning, no such luck. I don't understand all of the techno stuff about how the entire Internet can be floating around in the air, and accessible to millions of folks with wireless computers and other electronic devices. Just the fact that we've had access to the Internet all over the country with this little data card that plugs into our laptop, is beyond amazing to me.

After I fixed another mega breakfast here in the motor home, we drove into Quartzsite, and walked through about half of the Tyson Wells flea market before the dark clouds started rolling in. Rather than risk a long walk in a downpour, we headed back to the truck, and as we were driving out of town, raindrops started to appear on the windshield. The rain didn't amount to much, but later, enough came down to at least settle some of the dust.

Later in the afternoon, our buddies, Len & Ellie arrived in their motor home, after working at the Barrett-Jackson Auto Auction for the last week. After over a week of 14 hour work days, they were wiped out, so we had a brief visit, and then they caught some much deserved peace and quiet. Of course, Patty had to say hi to their two Pixie Bob Cats, Ruffles & Sambo before we retired for dinner and some TV.

Our other friends Jim & Megan, who were supposed to be here yesterday, called to say that one of their cats, 16 year old Millie was at the Vet with some health problems. They were playing it by ear, and hopefully everything will be OK. If so, they were hoping to join us in a day or so.

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