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Wednesday, January 11, 2012


The Family Motor Coach Association (FMCA) is a nationwide organization who's membership is comprised of those folks that are motor home owners. The current total membership is approx. 90,000. Within the FMCA, there are hundreds of individual chapters around the country, and the scope of those chapters varies greatly. The Golden Spike Chapters' focus is railroads, and the members are located mostly in the western states.

Patty and I joined this chapter almost 2 years ago, while we were traveling the summer months in the Pacific Northwest. Our first rally with the Golden Spikers was near Portland, OR, where the group rode on the Mount Hood Scenic Railroad. Since that first rally, we have gotten together with this fun group of people several times, and helped put together a rally on the Virginia & Truckee Railroad in Carson City last September.

The FMCA Western Rally here in Indio is not chapter specific, so this is the one rally that our group attends each year that doesn't include the riding of a railroad. This rally is open to all FMCA members, whether they belong to a chapter or not.

Yesterday was a kind of do nothing day, as the rally kicks off today with a few activities. The pictures of the group were taken yesterday afternoon, as we all visited, and enjoyed lots of snacks. I guess in some circles this is called "happy hour".

There are 20 Golden Spike motor homes in attendance here in Indio, so it's a pretty good sized group. At our last rally in Carson City, NV, we had 13 rigs show up. Oh, by the way, the weather has been perfect, with a slight breeze, and temperatures in the mid 70's. The forecast for the rest of the week is more of the same. Life is good!

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