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Sunday, May 26, 2013


One of the design flaws on our Monaco Camelot motor home is the way that the original air intake hose was attached to the engine air filter.  That first 7 inch rubber intake hose dropped down from the intake screen located near the top, left rear corner of the motor home, and made a 90 degree turn before attaching to the intake side of the air filter.  The hose isn't that flexible, and due primarily to the sharp turn, the first hose self destructed after a few years, and detached itself from the air filter.

The fix to the problem, was to attach a 90 degree sheet metal elbow to the air filter, allowing the rubber intake hose to come straight down and attach to the elbow.  Without the hose attached, and because the air filter is so close to the ground, during wet weather the engine would be sucking moisture into the turbocharger.  Not good!

After leaving Bob & Diana's place in Enterprise, OR, I discovered that my original sheet metal elbow had separated, allowing the hose to detach itself from the air filter.  Yesterday, I drove into Newport, WA, where I picked up another 7 inch sheet metal elbow at the local Ace Hardware store.  By early afternoon, the fix to the fix was completed.  Possibly, someone makes an air filter with a 90 degree elbow already attached, but I haven't done any investigating to see if there's one out there somewhere.
This fix seems to be good for several years, so we're good for now.

1 comment:

  1. ok boss heres your part
    u may find it at a LARGE truck shop or they may need to order it or some shop along the way ain,t the internet and cell phones the best
    the PDF even gives you the part no, cool
    O now you need to trade the motor bike in for a gulf cart and clubs to round out your motor resort lot your buying you look so cool parked there but please no yellow stripe shorts , but bass pro shirts ok
    joy your trip
