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Saturday, May 11, 2013


It's been about 3 years since we were last in this area, and the same amount of time since we last visited the High Desert Museum.  This isn't just a museum, but rather a combination of lots of different things, including live animals.  We spent a couple of hours viewing all of the different aspects of this excellent facility, including a couple of presentations, first about birds of prey, then about wild cats.

 This Peregrine Falcon decided it was going to talk louder than its handler, and had to be returned to it's habitat.

   A pair of Bald Eagles.

Two of our favorite critters at the museum are a Bobcat, and a Lynx.  Both are unable to be returned to the wild, living out their lives in captivity.  The story about the Lynx is typical of the many misguided attempts to make a wild animal a pet.  It was found several years ago, almost dead from starvation.  It's canine teeth, and it's claws had been removed, and it had been neutered.  It had either escaped from it's owner, or had been abandoned.   One of my first thoughts was why would any Veterinarian do those procedures, and second, what's wrong with folks who think they can turn a wild animal into a pet?

 Mrs. Bobcat was giving herself a bath while sunbathing.

 Mr. Lynx awoke from his catnap to check out what was going on.

From the museum, we drove into Bend where I did some banking,  we stopped at the visitors center, then a Fred Meyer Superstore.  We don't have any of these stores in the southwest, and it's too bad because they certainly give Wally World a run for it's money where ever they're located.  When we got back to our motor homes, I put some chicken on the grill, and we enjoyed eating a meal outside, while the temperature was a pleasant 75 degrees.

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