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Thursday, May 9, 2013


One of the reasons that our northbound route to Alaska is what I call the interior route, it's because we want to see friends along the way.  Yesterday, we reconnected with Norma Cole who lives in Alturas.  We  lost touch with Norma, when she moved away from the Gardnerville/Minden, NV area several years ago, and recently found out that she had moved back to her old hometown, where she went to school.

My relationship with Norma goes back about 44 years, when her then husband and I, were classmates at the CHP Academy.  When I transferred from the L.A. area to Santa Cruz in the early 70's, so did Norma and her family.  We lived on the same street for a couple of years, before I transferred to the Los Banos area.

We met Norma at her house, a few miles outside of Alturas, then drove into town, where we had lunch at the Hotel Niles.  There's a long story behind this 100 year old building, but the good news for the local residents is that after being closed for several years, it has reopened.  Norma knows the owners, and was able to take us on a tour of the building.

After lunch, we drove back to Norma's, and continued our visit.  We couldn't remember exactly how long it had been since we last saw each other, but agreed, it had been way too long.  Good, long lasting friendships are precious, and it was so nice to see Norma after many years.  We agreed, it wouldn't be as long before the next visit.

 Patty and Norma outside her house on 19 acres.

Back at  the motor homes, the girls decided to go for a walk, in search of the perfect sunset photograph.  When they came back, it looked like they had gone "off road", and had mud caked all over their shoes.  It took a stiff brush, and some serious scrubbing before the mud disappeared.

The sun is up this morning, and we have about 250 miles to our next destination.  We'll be pulling into one of our favorite Thousand Trails parks later today, located in Sunriver, OR, and will be staying there for a week or so.   As we get farther north, and closer to the summer solstice, the days are getting longer, and longer.  By the time we get to Fairbanks, we'll be in the land of the midnight sun!

Likely RV & Golf Resort - $16  Cumulative $191.23

1 comment:

  1. Hi Chance Friends,
    Not sure whether you got my post right after your visit, but sure enjoyed spending time with you!
    Looks like you had an amazing Summer adventure and are not home enjoying your beautiful granddaughter.
    I'm very excited to be going to visit my kids back East this coming week. It's been WAY too long!
    Hope to stay in touch Dan & Patty and follow your fun adventures.
    Love & Hugs,
