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Sunday, May 19, 2013


Being parked at the Thousand Trails Park in Sunriver for 9 days, caused the "hitch itch" syndrome, and it needed a little scratching.  So, we  pulled out a little before 9am, traveled north on Hwy 97 to Redmond, then east on Hwy's 126 & 26 to Hwy 7, where it was short run to our destination, the parking lot at the McEwen Depot of the Sumpter Valley Railroad.

The drive across Central Oregon on Hwy 26 is a mixture of forest, green valleys, rivers, and when close to a couple of small towns, farms & ranches.  We all agreed - "Yep, we could live here"!

When we got to the Sumpter Valley RR parking lot, I quickly unhooked our Jeep, and we skedattled to the Oregon Trail Interpretive Center, a few miles east of Baker City.  Patty and I had been to this great facility once before, and we were anxious to let Nancy take a look.  I could do an entire blog or two on what we learned about the early pioneers who endured the months of hardships on the trail, all for the promise of better opportunities in the west.  However, with an almost non-existent Internet connection, many of the pictures I took, will have to wait. 

When we got back to the motor homes, Patty heated up a chicken, tortilla soup that she had made , and it was delicious.  When I finished my second bowl, I was filled up, and ready for the recliner with the required cat in the lap.

This morning is the first trip of the season for the railroad at 10am.  We may participate in that ride, or, if the layover in Sumpter is too long, we'll get some pictures of the train, then head for Bob & Diana Rush's place in Enterprise.

Thousand Trails RV Park (9 days) - $0  Cumulative - $207.23
Diesel @ Sunriver Shell - 48.6 gal @ $3.86 = $198.00  Cumulative - $735.89
M.P.G. - 7.7  Cumulative 7.6
Miles traveled - 230  Cumulative - 1,695

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