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Saturday, October 9, 2010


Despite my slow Internet connection, I simply had to download this picture on the blog, even though it seemingly took forever. This photo is illustrative of the weather, and the scenery on my ride yesterday. There are some motorcycle guru's who insist that Hwy 1 on the Pacific Coast, between Cambria and Monterey, is without a doubt, the best road in the world, if you are on two wheels. Arguably, I tend to agree, that this 100 mile stretch of scenic highway is without equal, and in my humble opinion, it is the holy grail of motorcycle roads.
I began my ride on Hwy 25, and headed south toward Paso Robles. With the wind in my face on an almost cloudless day, with temperatures in the upper 70's, I found myself thinking, it doesn't get much better than this. But, when I got over on the coast highway, it did get better. When you catch a beautiful day like yesterday, the ride on Hwy 1 is the epitome of what riding a motorcycle is all about. Even though I don't ride nearly as much as I used to, when I catch a day like yesterday, it makes me think that I will never give up the Harley, no matter how old I get.
Today, I'm headed over to the Santa Cruz area, where I'll revisit many of the places that I used to frequent as a teenager, and in later years, when I worked there in the early 70's.

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