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Friday, October 15, 2010


When I left Modesto Harley-Davidson, I drove south on the dreaded Hwy 99, and as the sun was setting, I was parking in the Tehachipi Home Depot parking lot. When permission to overnight was secured, I watched a little TV and called it a day. Yesterday, I pulled up in front of the house at about 2:30pm, and dropped the trailer. It took a little while to get the motor home, and trailer inside the yard, and unload the Harley. I spent the next few hours getting stuff out of the little house, and getting it ready to be parked for the next month or so. Not sure exactly what will be taking place in Tucson, but we're ready to help with whatever Marc, Chandra, Eloise, and Laila may need. Our next planned exit from the big house, will be our 2 week stint in Las Vegas, working the National Finals Rodeo during the first part of December. Other than that, it's good to be home with my girls.

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