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Monday, October 4, 2010


My apologies for the lack of news from the Dan, Patty, Sami & Gracie house, there just hasn't been a lot to write about. We've been busy getting our big house in order, and attending to lots of routine things. However, the Travel by Chance is again on the road, even though it's only one of the four Chance's. I hooked up the enclosed trailer to the motor home, loaded the Harley in the trailer, and left yesterday morning, headed toward our former home town in California. The plan is to have some much needed maintenance work done to the bike at Jamestown Harley-Davidson, see some friends, then find a place to park the motor home, and do some day rides on the Harley. Not everything goes according to plan, and yesterday was no exception. I had only been driving for a couple of hours, and decided it was time to pull over and check the security of the bike. I pulled off of I40 in Ludlow, CA, about 90 miles west of Needles, and 50 miles east of Barstow. When I was satisfied that everything was OK, I drove toward the westbound on ramp, and just as I turned the corner, my Pressure Pro tire monitoring system alarm went off. I pulled over adjacent to the on ramp, where fortunately, there was a lot of space away from the traffic. The monitor showed the right rear inside dual tire was rapidly losing air, and by the time I stopped, it was down to 14 pounds. I double checked the tire with an air gauge, and by then, the tire was completely flat. Darn, here I am in the middle of the Mojave Desert on a Sunday, with no spare (no diesel pusher motor homes come with a spare), and the immediate future doesn't looking to promising. I called Good Sam, our emergency road service provider, and things started to perk up from that point. It was about 1 pm, and after several call backs, Good Sam had found not only a tire service company, but also had found an exact replacement tire. By 3:15, I was back on the road with a brand new $602 Goodyear tire, and feeling a lot poorer, but like I had dodged a major bullet. I was way behind schedule, but still managed to make it to Bakersfield before dark, and good ole camp Wal-Mart, where we have spent many a night. Today, I'll finish the drive to Jamestown, and hopefully, there won'[t be any more alarms going off.

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