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Saturday, October 16, 2010


Because we travel so much, we are signed up for permanent mail in ballots. That way, no matter where we are, our mail is forwarded to us, and we are able to vote in each election. For the upcoming "mid term election", I mailed our ballots back yesterday.

I believe that this non presidential election is one of the most important in our nation's history, and I urge any, and all of the blog readers to participate, and vote. No matter what side of the fence you are on, and despite the naysayers, voting is the fundamental mechanism for the people to retain control of the direction of their country.

My personal view is that our government has grown too big, and the tax and spend philosophy is in serious need of a correction. If it were just more taxes and proportional spending based on those taxes, I could almost live with that. In other words - more income, more spending. That's how most of us balance our checkbooks, and that's how any business, any public entity, and all state and local governments operate. If you have to borrow money, there's an analysis that takes place, and a plan to repay the loan. Basic economics right? Well, that's not how our federal government operates. The huge deficits and the national debt have grown to the point that not only is it doubtful that we can ever pay it back, but this spending spree (starting with the Bush administration, and continuing with the Obama administration) is now threatening our national security. I'm not so much worried for myself and Patty, but I am seriously concerned for our kids and particularly our grandchild. I'm not at all ashamed to say that I am conservative in my views about political ideology. A big part of that conservatism is my belief that the growth of our entitlement society has reached the breaking point, and unless some tough decisions are made in Washington D.C., our country is headed for disaster. If you believe that the government should provide everything for everybody, then I suggest you head for Cuba or perhaps North Korea. Besides a strong national defense (not nation building), I also believe that we have a responsibility to have safety nets (not welfare) for those who cannot help themselves. The American People are the most charitable in all of the world, and instead of saving the entire planet, perhaps we should redirect some of that charity toward our own starving children, and wounded warriors who have in many cases, given the supreme sacrifice for our country. I could go on and on, but I firmly believe that more people than not, think as I do, and my sincere hope is that this election either sends a message, or we continue with business as usual. Please vote!

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