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Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Whenever we return home after a long absence, there's always lots of changes that take a period of readjustment. To name a few..... sleeping in the bed requires a few days before it starts to feel normal. Not using your foot to flush the toilet is another mechanical dissimilarity between the house and the motor home. Opening the door to let Sami into the back yard without a leash feels a little strange at first. Taking a shower with lots of water pressure, and not having to turn it off is certainly one of the pleasant changes from the motor home to the house. Trying to remember where stuff is located in the house after an absence, seems to be more of an issue as the years roll by. After a few days, our bodies and minds will make the transition, and when we hit the road again in a couple of weeks, we'll go through the same process in reverse.

The motor home went in yesterday morning for an annual service, and to fix a problem with the side radiator fan. Whatever controls the hydraulic fan was not working properly as the fan was coming on when it shouldn't. As of 4pm yesterday, the shop hadn't been able to diagnose the problem, so the motor home stayed over night. I should know something today.

The summer heat always takes a toll on some of our plants and shrubs, so we've been working in the back yard, attempting to get that back into shape. Yesterday, I took the old radio out of the Harley, and with any luck, will get the new one installed today. Lots of things to do, and with a little more readjusting, things will seem normal once again.

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