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Saturday, April 21, 2012

CHANGE $%#@*

Google, in it's infinite wisdom, has completely changed the format for blogger's that use their platform. I hate change!!! Just when I've become very comfortable with posting pictures, moving text, editing where necessary, and all of the other little things that go into publishing a daily blog, they decide to change everything. What the heck gives? A little advice from a non tech, geeky type person, would be to incorporate change incrementally, not all at once.
So, if the blog seems a little disjointed in the coming days, that's the reason. About the time I get this new format figured out, I'm sure Google will decide that it's time to change it once again. What happened to the old saying "if it ain't broken"?

Yesterday, we met Bob & Diana at the Red Onion for dinner, then drove down to the London Bridge Park, where the city parks and recreation department sponsors a series of "Concerts in the Park". The group playing was a 3 person classic rock and roll band called MOJO. The music was mostly 70's & 80's, with a big emphasis on ZZ Top. Not a bad way to spend an evening, and considering the free entry, the music was pretty good for this quartet of baby boomers.

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