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Tuesday, November 26, 2013


It's been a little over a week since I called for a revised set of engineered plans that meets the Pima County building department's criteria.  Until those plans show up, the RV shade cover project is on hold, pending the arrival of the new plans and calculations.  When they do show up in our PO box, I'll be able to go back to the county, and hopefully get a building permit.  I keep using the word hopefully, which seems to be more and more synonymous with the word impossible!

In the meantime, we took a ride into town yesterday, and explored the idea of purchasing some new cabinets for the laundry room.  Both Lowes, and Home Depot had some nice unfinished cabinets that would work nicely, I just wasn't quite ready to pull the trigger.  

We've been home for a couple of months now, and the inability to get the required permit for the shade cover is frustrating, to say the least.  With the countless number of rules, regulations, ordinances, zoning laws, and a multitude of other restrictive bureaucracies, it's a wonder that anything gets built in this county.  I remember back in 1995, when we built a brand new, 2 story Harley-Davidson Dealership in Tuolumne County, CA, the process was much more user friendly.   From the building permit application, to a completed structure, the entire time frame was about 5 months.  We're now 2 months into hopefully (there's that word again) putting up a much simpler structure, and I don't even have a building permit yet.  I'm optimistic that there will be a happy ending to this saga, I just hope I'm still around to see the results!

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