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Saturday, November 2, 2013


Patty left on a flight out of Tucson yesterday morning, first destination - Fresno, CA.  When Nancy picked her up in Fresno in the afternoon, I think they were headed to meet Barb & Tom Westerfield for dinner.  Tomorrow, she and Nancy will drive up to our old hometown of Jamestown/Sonora, and spend the night in a motel.  They have to get on a bus at 4:45 am Monday morning, thus the reason for spending the night near the start of their trip to Costa Rica.  I don't think Nancy was taking her laptop, but I did hear something about her possibly emailing me some photos of the trip.  If she does, I'll post them.

After leaving the airport, I picked up a few things at Wal Mart before returning home to pick up the trailer.  By the time I got back home from Lowes with more block, concrete, and rebar, I decided it was too late to start mixing.  I didn't want a repeat of the other day, where I had to work the mud right up to just before darkness.   I'll get an earlier start this morning, after Marc comes out to get the trailer in order to haul some yard waste and junk to the dump.  Tomorrow, he and I are headed to Phoenix to watch some drag boat racing at Wild Horse Pass Raceway (the old Firebird raceway).

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