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Saturday, November 23, 2013


When the engineered drawings and calculations for the RV house didn't show up at our PO Box yesterday, I called the building company back in Arkansas.  Assuming (never do that) the only thing that had to be changed, was the engineers prevailing code from 2009 to 2012, I thought that after my phone call on Monday, it would just be a few days for the revised plans to get here.  Wrong!  The gal in Arkansas checked with the contract engineer, and evidently the 2012 code changed some stuff, so the plans have to be redone, and the time frame for redelivery is the normal 2 weeks.

Based on that estimate, plus the fact that the Thanksgiving Holiday is just around the corner, it's probably going to be another 2 weeks before I'll be able to go back to the county, and apply for a building permit.  In the meantime, we're sitting through our first rain storm since returning from Alaska, and the new rain gutters, along with the some recent landscaping, are both diverting water nicely away from the house.

We have a one week reservation at the Thousand Trails RV park in Las Vegas, beginning on Dec 9th, but I'm pretty sure that's going to get canceled.  We wanted to stay in Vegas during the National Finals Rodeo, but it looks like that date will very likely conflict with the ongoing, never ending, attempt to put up a shade cover building for the motor home.  We're going to wait until early December, then decide for sure whether to cancel, or go. 

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