Miss Snoopy likes her cat tree, and her tummy rubbed.
It was about noon when I checked the PO Box, and low & behold, the revised engineered plans for the RV shade cover had arrived. A quick trip back to the house, where I probably would have taken a double dose of Valium if I had any, then I was off to the county building in downtown Tucson. Thinking "what else could go wrong", I knew from past experience, that until the building permit application package was accepted by the developmental services department, I wouldn't be doing any celebrating.

When I sat down with this planner, who I had not talked to before, I had to bring him up to speed on all of the hoops that I had already jumped through, including the month long MSR process. When he looked at the engineered plans, he said "OK, we'll accept the package, and you'll be notified within the next 5 business days". I think my blood pressure instantly dropped a few notches, while I walked out the door. Now another waiting game begins, and with the holiday, it will be sometime next week before I either get a building permit, or some other roadblock is thrown up. Stay tuned........
Patty and I have a lot to be thankful for, and we wish everyone a happy turkey day!
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