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Wednesday, November 13, 2013


These two pictures show the finished landscaping around the tree that I planted a couple of days ago.  Adding the two support poles came just in time, as the infamous "Vail Gale" blew pretty hard last night.  The driftwood is part of Patty's collection, and is either from Alaska, or the Oregon Coast.

While at Lowes yesterday, I picked up another growy thing, and planted it in front of the house.   It's called a Dodonea Hopseed, and I liked it because of its bright green color.  If I keep planting stuff, it's going to force me to hook up all of the irrigation lines that I buried before the garage project.  Like I said before, there's no shortage of things to do around here.

With two big projects (tractor port & RV shade cover) on hold, I decided to start working on the area at the end of the deck, where it slopes down to the front of the future shade cover.  The grade drops about 3 1/2 feet from the deck, to where the motor home will be parked.  I had some blocks stacked as steps, but that was only temporary, and they all got torn out yesterday.

The first order of business was to level the area under the end of the deck, and stack the block as additional support for the deck.  Next will be the building of wooden stairs, down to a level area, that will either be concrete, or perhaps some sort of pavers.  When going to, and from the motor home, fixing this area will make the path safer, and more pleasing to the eye.  Back to Lowes today, for more materials.  I think if I were to add up all of my recent Lowes receipts, the total might be a causative factor in some sort of medical episode.  Scratch that idea, I'll just stay blissfully in the dark regarding my contributions to corporate America.


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