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Saturday, November 9, 2013


Having finished the "small wall" that will support the extended garage roof for the tractor port, that project is now on hold.  Yesterday, I pivoted back to the area on the north side of the house, where the RV shade cover will eventually be built.  Before digging the two trenches (footings) that will be filled with concrete, and support the walls of the metal shade cover, I needed to start the process of moving the 50 amp electrical service, and the water connection.

Currently, there's a 50 amp plug, and water spigot next to the house, but with the motor home pulled straight into the yet to be built shade cover, those services would both be on the wrong side of the RV.  So, digging an 18 inch deep trench from the existing connections, approx. 25 feet out to where the left side of the new building will be, was the first order of business yesterday.

With the new dig completed, I glued the electrical conduit, and the pvc water lines together, laying them in the new trench.  With the outside ends near where they will be against the north wall of the RV structure, and the other ends near where they will connect with the existing services, I back filled the trench, and can now start construction of the two 48 foot long frames for the two concrete footings/foundations.  I can't pour any concrete into the footings, as they must first be inspected by the county, as one of the conditions of the building permit, which I don't even have............yet.
In order to keep up with the anticipated delivery, and construction of the new building in a few weeks, I've got to keep moving forward, keeping an optimistic frame of mind.  Less than a week to go before I should be able to get a permit.

While at Wally World the other day, I saw the "Cats Meow" device advertised on TV.  Talk about an impulse buy.  I just had to have one, thinking that the new kitty would go bananas trying to figure out this latest and greatest cat toy.  When I first turned it on, she just watched from under the bed, never even coming out to investigate. What the.....?   Later in the day, the second time I turned it one, her curiosity overcame her scardycatitis, and she tried to catch the uncatchable.  It was, and will be worth a few laughs. 

Still haven't heard from the girls.  I have to assume they're having a good time, and no news is good news. 


  1. Your new precious kitty looks like an Olivia to me... Also, please keep commenting on her newest toy. I may have to get one for my kitties.

  2. No wifi or Internet service up til now. We are alive up to this point but seem to be the step children. Heading to jungle on Tuesday to what I'm sure is the equivalent if a tent cabin. Hope to return on Friday. Today saw howler monkeys and many birds as we traveled into Nicaragua. Thankfully we were not shot at!!!
