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Tuesday, October 23, 2012


When Patty and I sort of retired 11 years ago, we began a nomadic lifestyle, that has taken us all around this great country many times.  In fact, in just about all of those 11 years, we spend more days in the motor home than we do in our real house.  In RV circles, I guess you might say that we are 1/2, or 3/4 timers, as opposed to full time RV'ers.

This type of living, where we're on the go for many months, or work camping in locations like Alaska, or the Grand Canyon, requires many adjustments.  We've never had mail delivered to our house, because we're often not there.  We were fortunate to find a great business in Lake Havasu, that forwards our mail, and maintains our personal mail box.  Thanks Bill & Nancy! 

Not too long after moving to Arizona, we signed up to vote by mail.  No matter where we are in the country, our ballots are forwarded to us, and we can participate in this most basic privilege of our democracy.  We just received our general election ballots for the upcoming Nov 6 election, and mailed them off yesterday.  I'm not going to get into a partisan political diatribe, but I will encourage everyone who reads this blog, to find a way to vote.  There are millions of veterans who have served, fought, been injured, and yes, even killed, so that future generations have the right to decide who, and how their country is governed.  It doesn't matter what your political beliefs are.  What matters is that you find a way to participate in this fundamental process, that is the foundation of our free society.    There are NO excuses, please VOTE!

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