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Sunday, October 21, 2012


The wooden monster is defeated!!  When the last board was finally removed, I felt like Rocky at the top of the steps in Philadelphia.  Victory at last.  With lots of limitations, such as drill battery life, blisters, sore muscles,  and an IPOD that died mid project, the 3 day task of dismantling the old deck was finished yesterday afternoon.  I now have a pretty good pile of reusable 2x6 lumber, that I know will come in handy for some future project.  There's a lot of things I'm not, but determination isn't on that list. 

The source of my frustration during this demo project was the 3 1/2 inch deck screws that were about one inch longer than they needed to be.  Many wouldn't budge, and like the above example, many would back out a short distance, then the drill bit would lose it's grip, spinning, and ruining the screw head.

In addition to the pile of reusable boards, I also have a pile of scrap lumber, that needs to be hauled away with all of the trees and vegetation that I removed with the backhoe.  I was going to wait until I got my small trailer down here, and haul the stuff away myself.  However, I think I'll check into hiring someone with a large enough trailer to get rid of everything all at once.

Patty returns home today, with a flight from Sacratomatoes, to Phoenix, then Tucson, arriving this afternoon at 3:45.  In my almost daily phone calls with her, and the following of Nancy's blog, it sounds like they had a great time in Maui.  Patty has not been to the new property since we closed escrow, and I'm sure she has lots of things she wants to do inside the house.  We were tentatively planning on briefly returning to Lake Havasu to transfer a load of stuff, but that may wait for a few weeks, if the garage project gets started soon.  


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