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Monday, October 8, 2012


Without revealing too many of my eccentricities, lets just say that I'm a bit unconventional when it comes to eating habits.  It's a well known fact that I could easily live on hamburgers, and the time of day is immaterial when I chose to consume that form of fast food.  The only limitation is usually the time of day when the eating establishment decides to open their doors, or if their is a set time when the transition is made from egg mcmuffins to big macs, as is the case with McDonalds at 10:30am.

Yesterday morning, with 2 New York steaks thawed in the refrigerator, I didn't have to give a lot of thought to the idea of BBQ'ing those steaks for breakfast.  So, that's exactly what I did.  But instead of eggs to go with the steak, I fried some potatoes, and topped off the meal with some corn, the only real vegetable.  This isn't a breakfast meal for most folks, but as I've repeatedly stated, I'm not very traditional when it comes to specific foods at specific times of the day.  My breakfast was pretty darn yummy, and it provided the foundation for the rest of the day, in which I didn't do much of anything except watch a lot of racing action on the tube.   Today will start off about the same, with leftovers similar to the above photos, but the TV won't be a part of the scene until tonight.  Lots to do.

1 comment:

  1. YUM YUM!!!! I'm on the Patty diet, but did have cookies for breakfast today!!!!!
