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Monday, October 22, 2012


Since first arriving here in Tucson almost a month ago, I started seeing this little horned toad around the front of the motor home.  Every few days, I would notice this little guy, and have always been afraid that I'm going to step on him.  Because he's become so familiar, I decided to give him a name, and Oscar it is.  As lizards go, horned toads don't move very fast, and Oscar is so small, it takes him awhile to cover any distances.  Yesterday morning, I coaxed Oscar into my hand, so that I could get his picture, and introduce him to the world.  I don't know if he's full grown, or if he's just a baby, but for being a reptile, I think he's kind of cute.  Now, if I can just avoid what may be the inevitable.
 Oscar blends in with his natural surroundings so well, he's hard to see.

 What a face!

Marc and Laila came by for a couple of hours yesterday, and they gave the metal detector a good workout.  My nemesis - the deck screw, was not only firmly embedded in the deck, but they are scattered all over the property, along with lots of other stuff.  Laila found everything from screws, and nails, to something that looked like part of a fence decoration.

At 4pm, I picked up Patty from the airport, and we stopped at Marc & Chandra's for a short visit.  When we got  back to the ranch, we had time to catch up on all of Patty's Hawaiian adventures, and I brought her up to speed and what I've been doing here on the property.  It was good to have my wife back, and I'm sure she's happy to be back with her family, including the four legged kids.  

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