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Tuesday, October 9, 2012


With nothing accomplished on Sunday, except the viewing of NASCAR, NHRA, and other assorted racing action on the tube, it was back to the long list of projects at the new place.  One of the first tasks yesterday was to remove some of the tiles near the front door, and see how much damage there was to the sub floor.  Surprisingly, there wasn't much evidence of water making its way under the tile, and possibly, I'll be able to get away with re-gluing, & grouting them back to the floor.  The root of the problem is water getting under the front door, and I'll  have to address that issue in the near future, in order to prevent the same thing from happening again.

I finished clearing the brush and small trees away from where the garage is going to be built, and now have a monster pile of debris to either be burned, or hauled away.  I suspect the later will be the course of action when I get my small trailer down here in a few weeks. 

I finished the day by dropping off a get well card, and a small teddy bear to Laila, who was on the upside of getting over a cold.  My timing was pretty good, as Chandra insisted that they had plenty of food, and that I stay for dinner.  Living close to Chandra, Marc, and Laila has its definite advantages.

I spoke to Patty, who called from Maui, and it sounded like she & Nancy are having a great time in Hawaii.  I also got a call from Ned at MainGate, the company we contracted with, when we did the NHRA drag races several years ago.  He wanted to know if we were available to work the Harley-Davidson pro stock bike merchandise trailer at the last 2 races in Las Vegas, and Pomona.  They had some people quit, and needed some temporary help.  I had to decline the offer, due to a number of reasons, but it was nice to asked.  We still do the one event each year for MainGate, working the Tucson Rodeo in February. 

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