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Monday, October 29, 2012


A Sunday afternoon visit from Marc & Laila, sent Grandma & the just turned 7 year old, on a treasure hunt.  After a couple of spins around the property, and the collection of a few more "treasures", it was time to clean them all up.  With a mini wash tub, Laila used a toothbrush to scrub some of the dirt off the loot.  Most of the stuff was a collection of small, multicolored, round pieces of glass, and a few other assorted items.   The important thing is that the search has become a Grandma and Grand Daughter special activity.

When Marc & Laila left, I settled in to watch the Las Vegas Drag Race, and game 4 of the Giants - Tigers World Series.  With most of my fantasy drag race picks eliminated early, and only one race left, I've all but conceded the championship to Marc.  My failure to pick drivers at one of the races has pretty much sealed my fate.  This new to me fantasy sports activity started last year when my other son Mike was on assignment in Afghanistan.  Mike is going to be leaving again for a 4 month deployment in Afghanistan, with a mid November departure.  He says the money is good, and it sets him up for another promotion within the National Security Agency, but that doesn't relieve any of his family's anxiety, knowing he'll be back in a very dangerous place.

Some of the treasures.

Many years ago, while growing up in Central California, I was a huge San Francisco Giants fan.  I watched them play at the old Seals Stadium in 1958, right after they moved from New York City.  I  took my Grandfather Dewey to a Giants night game (brrrrrr), at Candlestick Park in the 70's, and my other Grandfather Walter, was also a devoted Giants fan, listening to every game on the radio.  Over the years, I lost interest in baseball, but when the Giants made it to the World Series again this year, I couldn't wait to watch the games on TV.  Last nights game was a squeaker, with the Giants winning game 4 in the 10th inning, and the Series for the second time in 3 years.  When we head to Alaska next year, Nancy, who has season tickets, has promised to take me to a game.  Can't wait.................!

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