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Saturday, February 2, 2013


Patty and I have owned several motor homes over the past 20+ years, and we've always traveled with a pet.  During our first few years of travel, it was a calico cat named Tera, who quickly made the many adjustments, when we transitioned from the sticks & bricks house, and traveled somewhere in the motor home.  A little over 15 years ago, I brought home this tiny Beagle pup, who had to learn that putting up with a grumpy cat was just the way it was.  When we retired from being business owners, these two animals easily made the adjustment to where we were spending more time in the motor home, than we were in the house. 

We were, or perhaps I should say - Patty was catless for about 2 years, after we lost Tera while visiting my son Mike, and his wife Amy in Augusta, GA.  When Patty decided it was time for another feline friend, she found Gracie on an animal rescue website in Flagstaff, AZ.  She became ours, when we picked her up 3 years ago.  The first few trips in the motor home were probably a bit traumatic for Gracie, but she settled in, and is now a perfect traveler. 

One of the many things that we've learned in our years of traveling with both cats, and a dog, is that cats are so much easier.  They kind of do their own thing, and are not very dependent on their humans for much of anything.  Dogs on the other hand, are much higher maintenance, requiring lots of outside walks, and a feeding schedule that is much more demanding than simply keeping food in the dish.  Our Beagle Sami is really showing signs of old age, and the inevitable is probably not too far down the road.  For a variety of reasons, when that day comes, I think it might be awhile before we consider being dog owners again.

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