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Monday, October 31, 2011


Motorized Parachutes, and Hang Gliders are common sights over the island.

It's not unusual to see these personal aircraft being flown over the island here in Lake Havasu. Yesterday, I watched this fellow make several passes, before landing on a portion of the old airport, near the tip of the island. There was also an engine powered hang glider in the area, but that photo turned out too blurry.

Before Robert McCulloch moved the London Bridge here 40 years ago, the island was a peninsula. He dug a channel near the base of the peninsula, re-erected the bridge, and just like that, Lake Havasu City had an island, served by an iconic, stone bridge. During the early 1970's, McCulloch offered people free flights here, (mostly from southern California), as a marketing tool to sell residential property. The old airport was on the island, and when we moved here in 2002, the old terminal building, and most of the original airstrip was still visible. Now, the building is gone, as is most of the airstrip, both having succumbed to residential housing developments.

The island pathway makes a circle around the island, and the old airport. This is the time of year with lower temperatures, that more and more people start using the path. We're never here in the hot summer months, but I can't imagine anyone out walking or running when the temps are well above 100 degrees.

It's been a week since I re-started my morning routine of circling the island on the 3.6 mile path. Now that my walking muscles aren't sore anymore, it's time to start running (jogging) a little bit, and begin to increase that running distance as the weeks go by.

These cement markers delineate distances every one half mile.

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