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Sunday, May 1, 2011


I took this picture yesterday morning, as we were looking south from London Bridge Beach, across the south channel entrance towards Rotary Park Beach. It was 9am, and there was supposed to be a flyover by 2 or 3 FA-18 Super Hornets from Lemore Naval Air Station. We waited until about 9:15, and no jets, and not much activity on the water. The culprit was high winds, gusting up to as high as 50 mph!.

Unfortunately, the winds caused the opening ceremonies and the high speed shootout to be canceled. The picture doesn't show it very well, but out in the middle of the lake, the whitecaps were very visible & very high. Other than the wind, the weather was ideal, and all of these super fast boats from all over the country were just sitting on their respective trailers. I guess mother nature does indeed, often have the final word.

Speaking of weather, I just checked the temperature at the south rim of the Grand Canyon, and this morning, it's only 19 degrees! What's up with below freezing temperatures? There's someone in this family that doesn't do cold weather. In fact, this entire family doesn't do cold weather, at least not if we don't have to. So, why in the heck are we considering living and working at the Grand Canyon this summer? There's no easy, just one answer. For me, it's been 2 years since I last worked as a supervisor for the transit system in Glacier National Park. For Patty, it's been 3 years since she last worked during the summer in Skagway, Alaska. After 4 summers in Alaska, and one summer in western Montana, we learned that we loved living, and working in these most beautiful places. Even though we have enjoyed our last 2 summers of travel in the motor home, we both were looking for a scenic place that provided us relief from the hot summer weather, and a new place that we would have a few months to explore a little more in depth. The Grand Canyon fits the bill, and the added plus is that it's only about 230 miles from Lake Havasu City. With diesel at over $4 a gallon, fuel expense is always a consideration.

We're leaving here tomorrow morning at 6am, in order to make the approx. 4 hr. drive to the south rim, as we both have interview appointments at 11am. By the end of the day tomorrow, we should know for sure whether we're going to be working at the Grand Canyon, or if plan B, or is it plan C, no, I think it might be plan F, that will be kicking in. Hopefully, everything will go OK, and the RV space they found is big enough for our motor home with the 4 slideouts extended. I think that's the big question at the moment, and we'll have the answer to that question tomorrow.

As I mentioned in the last blog post, if everything goes according to plan, we will be parking the motor home at the south rim in about 2-3 weeks. In the mean time, our friends Bob & Diana will be making a quick trip to Lake Havasu from Oregon, to continue their search for a winter home. They will be arriving the day before we leave for an RV rally in Boulder City, NV. We weren't going to attend this rally if we got jobs at the Grand Canyon, due to the conflict with the rally dates, and potential start work dates. When it looked like we weren't going to be working this summer, we made the arrangements to meet our friends in Boulder City, and attend the rally. Now, it looks like we will be working, and we'll have to hustle after the rally, in order to get everything done before leaving Lake Havasu for the summer.

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