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Friday, June 26, 2009


Since leaving Arizona on May 10th, where the temperatures were over 100 on a regular basis, we have enjoyed very moderate weather, along the Oregon and Washington coasts. Today, for the first time in awhile, the sun is out with totally blue skies. The forecast is for sun and about 65 degrees. As I look at weather around the country, I think there is a point in our not to distant future, that we will be wishing we were still on the west coast. I used to love the hot weather, in fact it couldn't get hot enough. After 2 seasons of traveling around the country with the N.H.R.A. drag race circuit, and being exposed to lots of heat and humidity in the eastern states, I somehow lost my appetite for hot weather. So, what do we do in 2002? We moved from the Sierra Foothills in central CA, to Lake Havasu City, AZ, one of the hottest climates in the entire country. If that seems like a contradiction, well, it is. My rationalization is that so far, we are only there in the winter, when the weather is almost perfect. In the summer, we've been on the road, staying in places like Skagway, Alaska, Glacier National Park, and this year, a good part of the summer, on the coasts of OR and WA. We will soon begin our eastward trek across the country, toward New England and the Canadian Maritime Provinces. Hopefully, by staying mostly in the northern states, we will avoid a lot of the uncomfortable, hot and humid weather.

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