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Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Getting ready for school begins every morning at 6:30am.  After "rise & shine", there's the routine of getting dressed, something for breakfast (blueberry pancakes this morning), and the last must do is fixing that long beautiful hair so that it stays somewhere away from the face, at least for most of the day.  Fixing hair is above my pay grade, so that task is firmly implanted in the Grandma category.

From our house, it's about a 30-35 minute drive to Laila's school, which is located in the heart of Tucson.  During her time in school, I started putting up a metal fence on top of the "Great Wall".  I only had 3 panels, so those went up before it was time to head back into Tucson to pick up Laila from school at 2:30pm.

The first order of business after school is usually some sort of snack.  One of Laila's favorites is slices of bananas, with peanut butter spread on top.  Of course I had to try one, and I think it's safe to say, that I won't be getting out the peanut butter jar when there's a banana around, unless it's for Laila.

After the snack, I got out the kite we purchased for Laila while we were in Long Beach, WA.  The normally brisk wind was questionable, but we got the kite up for quite awhile, at least until the wind died.  At one point, a pretty good gust came along, and somebody didn't have a firm grip on the string.  We both watched the kite, string & handle sail across the ravine, with the kite landing on the other side.  We both climbed down into the mini grand canyon, retrieving the kite, and deciding that we would wait for some better wind conditions for the next attempt.

 The wayward kite on the other side of the wash.

Before dinner, Grandpa attempted to show the kid how to be a winner at the time & tested card game called FISH.  We played 3 games, and I left the table a bit more humble than I had planned.  There was only one game where I even came close to winning, and the other two, well let's just say that I was given a lesson on how to play the game.   Having Laila stay with us is certainly a disruption to our normal routine, but wow, is it ever a great disruption!

The Champ!

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