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Monday, October 7, 2013


The last component on the Great Wall before concrete, was pounding 1/2" rebar into the earth, through the wall.  I've still got another hour or two before I finish that job, but today, I'm off to see the folks at the county building department.  I would just about be willing to bet that there's some sort of curve ball just waiting in the hallowed halls, and about to be thrown at this project.

When I submitted the initial plans for the garage, the curve ball back then was that the structure couldn't be more than 1,500 square feet.  Originally, I wanted to build it larger to be able to accommodate the motor home, but the county had this 70% of residence, or maximum 1,500 square foot rule.  I guess a garage bigger than the house violates some sort of aesthetically pleasing to the eye building code.  Now that I want to build a separate structure for the motor home, I wouldn't rule out some other rule that will either create a road block, or worse, prevent the project altogether.  Stay tuned.......................

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