Call it coincidence, or luck, or perhaps just good timing. After a few days short of a month, the new circuit board arrived from GTO (Gates that Open) yesterday, after I made a morning phone call to their business in Florida. I mailed the old circuit board to GTO on Sep 27th, and hadn't heard a word, not even an email saying that they received the faulty part. While speaking to their customer service person, she said it looks like the new board should be arriving via UPS today. Indeed it did, and then the fun began......

Replacing the electronic gizmo wasn't a big deal, but making all of the adjustments that I made with the original circuit board had to be done again with this new one. Well, the old memory isn't quite what it used to be, so I dug out the installation manual, and started dialing everything in. Things like how long does the gate stay open, 10 seconds - 2 minutes. How much resistance before it reverses direction. Setting where the gate stops while opening & closing. Setting the memory for the adjustable remote devices, plus a couple of other tweaks, before the gate was once again operational.

Before the new gate part arrived, I started another digging project between the gate and the garage. Along the property line, I dug down 12-18 inches, and began to level the area out to the driveway. When finished, this will all be part of the driveway, giving me more room to maneuver the motor home, when either parking in front of the house, or while turning around in the circular driveway. I guess I don't need much of an excuse to play with the tractor.

Marc brought Laila out to the house yesterday evening, and she'll be staying with us for the rest of the week. Yea! We'll be taking her to and from school, and enjoying every second that's she's with us. This is the primary reason that we decided last year to make the move from Lake Havasu to Tucson. Being close to part of our family is a big plus at this point in our lives. While here, Marc switched all of our I Tunes music from the old laptop to the new one. What he did in an hour, would have probably taken me an eternity. Thanks, I owe you one!
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