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Sunday, October 27, 2013


It was a leisurely Saturday morning, with cartoons on the tube, a bacon and french toast breakfast, and no hurry ups in order to get to school on time.  Around 11am, Marc arrived to join on us a preplanned hike out to an oasis in the desert.  Armed with sandwiches, snacks, and plenty of water, we set off on a trek out to the famous secret hideout, named as such by Laila, when we first discovered the place earlier in the year.  This was our third walk into the Cienega Preserve, and Marc's first.

 From the bottom of the wash, a view of the "Great Wall", with the new fence on top.

 This giant Saguaro Cactus is on our property, with a Palo Verde Tree wrapped around the base.

At the drainage tunnel under the Union Pacific RR tracks, this is where we use the tunnel to get into the dry river bed leading to the secret hideout.  From the tunnel to our destination is only about 1/2 mile, through an area that becomes a raging river during the summer monsoon season.

I've described the place before, but for those who haven't read that narrative, this location on Cienega Creek was dammed long ago, as a way to divert water for irrigation.  The area behind the dam has long since filled with dirt & sand, but the water is still diverted into a pipe, for what we think is now irrigation for the downstream golf course.  With the willow trees, and lush vegetation behind the dam, it's an instant contrast from dry desert on the downstream side, to an oasis on the upstream side.

It was a warm, bright sunny day, with temps in the mid 80's.  On the way back to the house, we were all feeling the heat, and the old homestead was a welcome relief from the bright sunshine.
 It won't be too long, when somebody will be taller than Grandma!

After a short rest at the house, we packed all of Laila's things, and she and Dad were headed home.  Later in the day, Laila was going to a birthday skate party, then a sleepover at the birthday girls house.  This morning, it's back to our normal, and I can't believe that I stayed in bed till almost 6am.  The enjoyment of having Laila be a part of our daily life is hard to put into words, but suffice it to say that we're already looking forward to her next stay with us.

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