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Thursday, October 3, 2013


I stacked my remaining supply of blocks yesterday morning, then it was off to the big city for another supply of the cement monsters.  Out of curiosity, I took the time to weigh one of the 8"x8"x16" adult legos, and it weighed almost twice as much as I thought.  At 37 pounds each, moving hundreds of these square barbells is making my muscles sore just thinking about it!  No complaints, after 5 months of playing tourist, and being a chair lizard, it was time to add a regimen of exercise, and shed a few extra pounds.

Adding one row of bonded block, reinforced with 3/8" rebar, will strengthen the wall horizontally, and allow the concrete to be continuous when it's poured inside the structure.  

With a 4-6 week time frame between order (yesterday), and installation of the motor home house, I've got plenty of time to get the wall finished, pour the two side foundations, and do the other site prep work.  The drawing below is pretty close to what it will look like, except that the left wall will come all the way to the ground.

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