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Saturday, October 12, 2013


After about a day of the new concrete setting on the ground, and in the "Great Wall", it was time to remove the forms, and get everything cleaned up.  That didn't take very long, so I tackled another small project that had worked it's way to the top of my list. 

While we were gone this summer, we missed the annual "Monsoon" season, where lots of tropical moisture works its way into Arizona, usually during August & September.  Marc noticed that there was an area near the corner of the house, where water was coming off the roof, and accumulating in a small dirt area where our utilities are connected.  No problem, I installed a short section of rain gutter, and one down spout, which will divert the water away from the house.

Earlier in the day, we drove over to the kids house, picked up their mail, and made sure everything was OK.  A stop at Safeway filled up a grand total of two bags, and we left the store a  C note poorer.  Somebody needs to come up with a cheap pill that'll  substitute for food, and in an instant, everyone would have money in their pockets!  OK, maybe that wouldn't be a very good replacement for an IN N OUT burger, or a big juicy T-Bone.  Scratch that plan.

1 comment:

  1. Nice new ground settings. Shouldn't be much of a chore to clean up though, even if that would entail work. There's lots of cleaning apparatuses and services which you can employ and apply there.

    Deidra @ Minuteman
