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Tuesday, October 1, 2013


When it comes to some things, like the ability to quit smoking several decades ago, I must have the mental stubbornness to just say no, and make it happen.  However, there are some things, like my inclination for a good burger, that seem to be beyond my capacity for retreat. 

On our way to Costco and Wally World yesterday, we had to pass by IN N OUT, the makers of my most favorite burger, the double, double.  I knew a few days ago that I was doomed, and that it was just a matter of time when I would succumb to the overwhelming desire to return to a place that is simply the best, when it comes to burgers.   And so it was yesterday, as we headed for Costco, my mental toughness was reduced to a state of wimpyness, as I couldn't resist the temptation.  While Patty patiently watched, I devoured this grilled masterpiece in record time, wondering how I could have possibly gone without this culinary delight for almost half a year. 

Today, it's back to building the Great Wall, where at least I'll be burning some of those extra, delicious calories that were consumed yesterday.  "Hey Patty, when are we headed to Costco again"?

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