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Wednesday, February 6, 2013


The last two days have been all about playing with sheet metal.  Rain gutters on the new garage weren't high on the priority list, until we got a heavy rain a few weeks ago.  The water coming off the roof was splashing on the concrete pad in front of the side entry door, and despite a good bottom door seal, water was coming under the door.  The easy, quick fix would have been to throw up a 10' section of gutter, moving the water splash away from both sides of the door.  As the pictures show, I decided to not do the easy fix, and installed 47' of rain gutter, with 2 downspouts.

I once heard, or read somewhere, that when you reach the age of 50, you should limit your use of ladders.  Not sure where that rule came from, but if it has any validity, I ignored it the past 2 days.  This type of job by necessity, requires a lot of time up on a ladder, with lots of ups, and downs.  Fortunately, none of my downs were of the instant type.

This project with two people, would probably be not more than a few hours.  Trying to slip 10' sections of gutter under the drip rail by yourself is not quite so easy.  Add trying to simultaneously get the end of the gutter into the narrow slip joints at one end, while trying to hold the entire section 12 feet off the ground, and you have a recipe for lots of frustration.  With lots of patience (which I don't always have), and an abundance of determination, I finished the job yesterday afternoon. Today, it's back to building my storage room.

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