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Tuesday, February 19, 2013


The first two days (Sat & Sun) of the rodeo saw bright sunshine, and large crowds on both days.  Yesterday was the first of 3 days where the crowds are mostly just the competitors, and lots of school kids.  As a result, we don't sell a lot of merchandise, but it's worth being open for that occasional sale.  Many of the vendors remain closed for these 3 days.

We have another winter storm coming tonight, and tomorrow, with snow levels down to about 3,000 feet.  In all the years we've worked this event, we only had a slight dusting of the white stuff once.  Perhaps tomorrow will be the second time we get a little bit of snow.  It looks like this system is already blasting through CA, with much colder temps, and quite a bit of rain.  The colder weather will certainly help our sweatshirt sales.

The all ladies drill team starts each rodeo performance.
Jim left yesterday for Phoenix, where he'll manage all of the official merchandise sales at the second Drag Race of the season.  After the race this coming weekend, he'll return to pick up our trailer, then drive back to Indianapolis.  As I've mentioned before, working this event is a year to year thing, and even though we enjoy being a part of this rodeo, we're not at all involved with MainGate's business decisions. 

After we closed yesterday afternoon, we drove home to pick up a few things that we had forgotten.  That was a first.  In years past, if we forgot something, it was too bad.  Only 20 miles home made it easy to go and get what we forgot.

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