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Sunday, February 3, 2013


After several weeks of on again, off again, insulating and sheet rocking, the garage is just about done!  The only area not finished, is the south east corner, where I'm building a 10x10 storage room.  I doubt if I'll ever completely insulate the building, specifically the ceiling, but I knew that once I started putting things up against the walls, if it wasn't done, it probably would never get done.
The photos start at the corner of the north wall, continuing around to the back of the garage.

I would imagine that projects like these, are partially why Home Depot & Lowes stay in business. The totals so far are 35 4'x8' panels of sheet rock.  90 16"x96" panels of R19 insulation.  110 16"x35" panels of R19 insulation.  Topping the list are one heckuva lot of drywall screws, and insulation staples.  When I finish with the storage room, all of those numbers will be increased a bunch.

With Patty's help, all of the clutter is just about gone from the middle of the garage.  In between working on the walls, she and I sorted through most of the remaining boxes, and either put stuff in the house, or hauled it off to Goodwill.  Yesterday, I took one of the oak chest of drawers over to Marc & Chandra's, which just about cleared everything out.

This is the corner that is now getting my attention, and is the only remaining section of wall that isn't insulated, and sheet rocked.  Yesterday, I started to strengthen the existing 2 outside walls, by adding 2/6 studs.  This will make the insulating process more difficult, but will double the strength of the walls.  Yesterday, I finished the south wall, and tomorrow, I'll get started on the east wall.  Not much work today, as Marc and Chandra are having a super bowl party - GO NINERS!

Instead of 16' on center, the south wall studs are now 8" on center.

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