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Sunday, February 10, 2013


At dawns first light, I was a bit surprised, when looking out the window, the dominant color was an unfamiliar white.  The predicted overnight rainfall had stopped, and at some point before darkness slipped away, the rain had turned into snow.

Even though we still live in the desert, our move to Vail (Tucson) from Lake Havasu, was not only a change in scenery, but also a change in altitude.  The elevation above sea level at the old homestead was about 550'.  Our residence here in Vail is approx. 3,200', so it should be no surprise that the temps are a little cooler, and the white stuff occasionally comes out of the sky.  And so it was yesterday morning.

 Looking to the back of our property from the deck.

 Sami decided she doesn't like the white stuff on the ground, so she is getting ready to turn some of it yellow!

The brief snowstorm lasted for a couple of hours, and by the time it was finished, we had about 1-2 inches on the ground.  By mid morning, it was quickly melting, and by noon, it was all gone.  This is the best kind of snow to deal with.  It's here for a few hours, then it's gone.

Patty, Chandra & Laila spent the afternoon at part of the citywide Gem & Mineral Show, checking out everything from polished rocks, to jewelry.  After a quick trip to the hardware store for some electrical stuff, I spent the rest of the day wiring the storage room.  By late afternoon, that job was just about completed.  Today, the ceiling sheeting is going up, along with the installation of an 8' florescent light.  By the time we head off to work the Tucson Rodeo later this week, my storage room in the garage will be getting close to being finished.

 A few hours after the snow started falling, it was already rapidly disappearing.

Patty insisted on taking a picture of me in long pants, since it doesn't happen very often.

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