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Wednesday, February 20, 2013


The images on this post are the adult version of mostly cowboys, and a cowgirl.  The other day, I showed some kids in their western garb, and I'm sure that for many of the youngsters, the rodeo is an opportunity for them to play western dress up.  For the adults, particularly the rodeo contestants, this form of clothing is as normal as a pair of shorts are to me.  It's rare to see a cowboy wearing a short sleeve shirt, and even more unusual to see any adult riding a horse without a western hat. 

Something that has also become very common to see, is an adult riding a horse while talking on a cellphone.  The stretch between one of the oldest forms of human transportation, and one of the newest ways to communicate, is as wide as the Grand Canyon.

Yesterday was our second "slack" day, where the crowds were mostly school kids, and lots of team ropers, calf ropers, and steer wrestlers.  By the time the competition was finished, we had made a few sales, and it was mid afternoon.  Today, the weather is supposed to change for the worst, with rain and much colder temps.  Fortunately, the only competition scheduled for this morning is barrel racing, and senior team roping.  Weather permitting, that should all be done by mid day.

One of my loyal blog readers suggested that I highlight a certain portion of the male anatomy, that often fits tightly into a pair of wrangler britches.  Well, I think I found the perfect opportunity, when I saw these cowboys sitting on a fence, watching some of the team ropers in action.   Here you go Nancy, these butts are for you!!

With all of these testosterone filled images, I think a little balance is in order.  This pretty cowgirl was near our trailer, when a loose horse bolted away from the corrals.  She was able to capture the runaway critter, holding it until the owner could retrieve it.

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