This is how my day started to unfold yesterday, as Miss Gracie decided that a little lap time was in order. When Gracie became a part of this family a couple of years ago, this type of activity was a rarity. Now, it's more the rule, rather than the exception.

After stopping at the Bus Yard to complete some final paperwork regarding direct deposits, withholding, and some other routine forms, I drove over to Yavapai Point. This was my first look at the canyon, since arriving on Monday. Even after spending the entire summer here last year, the view of this magnificent landscape never seems to loose it's WOW factor.
This view is looking west toward Powell Point.
Looking down into the canyon toward Phantom Ranch.

Later in the afternoon, the urge to create my famous fried potatoes, overcame the desire to eat a more healthy diet. This is what the finished product looked like, before the appetite made a large portion of this picture disappear. Along with a big BBQ'd steak, I didn't go to bed hungry.
This morning, I had considerable difficulty loading these pictures, primarily due to the very poor Sprint data card connection. It took forever, and I'm not sure if there's an answer to improve the situation. Perhaps an external antenna might improve the connection, but at this point, that's just a guess. When I start work, and time becomes a little more critical, the obvious answer is that posts will only occur when I have sufficient time. Hopefully, another unsecured wireless connection will make itself available, and solve the problem.
Fantastic view! There is something special about a cat in your lap.